Leggi l’intervista a Lea valti e sopri di più sul tormentato vampiro William Druce e la sua amata Wynter… 1) Conosciamo innanzitutto i personaggi, ci parli […]
Dopo aver letto l’interessantissimo articolo di Matteo Rosati “Dracula e il vampiro contemporaneo” – che consiglio vivamente di leggere a chi ancora non lo abbia fatto […]
Il 31 marzo, alle ore 17.30, presso la Sala degli Specchi del Comune di Frascati verrà presentato il romanzo fantasy “Interlude” della scrittrice romana Lea Valti, pubblicato […]
Chi è Lea Valti (pseudonimo di Lucia Valentini) Docente di lingua inglese, oltre allo scrivere, ha moltissimi interessi culturali: è appassionata di letteratura inglese e americana, […]
At the invitation of the District Committee Torre Maura, Lea Valti met readers to talk of Prelude aspects that make it a gothic novel and different […]
“Prelude” Lea Valti Reason Special Award HOLMES AWARDS Books Horror, Noir, Thriller A book, the author Lea Valti, written with the skill of a great classic. […]
Prelude had its official release May 17, 2015; at the International Book Fair in Turin. The author has presented the work together with the authors of […]
THE FANTASY ADVENTURE OF CURCIO The Armando Curcio publisher, for years engaged in the fantasy field, has published dozens of emerging authors volumes that are positioning […]
After passing the selection of over 90 films in competition, PRELUDE gets his first national recognition and was awarded the shortlist of finalists of “Premio Graffiti […]
The Library “Rafaello” has entertained the first presentation of it to few days from the publication. The initial presentation has been served as the Sig, Massimiliano […]